Honestly, I am really what they call "STAGE MAMA", anything and everything that is good for my little man, I will definitely join or do. Contests, Promos, name it all ☺. I am new to this blogging world and I am really enjoying it. I am able to express the achievements of my son and most importantly, I am able to share to the world anything that I want to express. I am so happy because WE are being future on +working mama blog! This is the first time that we are both featured in a blog. This blog is about Mommies and their precious jewel. http://www.workingmama.info/2013/03/mpj-mama-diosyl-and-baby-dirk.html#.UU0ZUBew2lU All mommies can join this Mama's Precious Jewel by +working mama by Mommy Dorry ♥ and shout to the world how greatful we are that he have our precious jewel ♥
♥ I never knew how much LOVE my heart could hold until someone called me Mama ♥