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Preparation for our dearest’s 1st birthday!

As a first time mom, I definitely want my son’s 1st birthday to be memorable. Our baby boy was really hooked with the “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Show” that is why I decided a Mickey Mouse theme party for him. 

From the birthday invitation to the birthday giveaways, I was very hands-on. Thank you for all the free templates available in Google, it was really a big help. J

Honestly, my budget is really not that big, it took me two weeks to look for a nice, convenient and affordable venue where we can hold his birthday. Finally, I was able to book the celebration. A simple dinner celebration with all the important people in our lives will be our guests.

Cross fingers this coming march 5, 2013, hope his birthday celebration will be a “Meeska.. Mouska.. Mickey Mouse!” Success.
